The Conditions Afflicting the Mind, Body and Soul of America by Dr. David Priede, PhD
The Conditions Afflicting the Mind, Body, and Soul of America examines ten of the most prevalent health conditions troubling the U.S. and the statistics surrounding their effect on the population, healthcare system, and the economy.
The book offers in-depth information on each disorder's detail and structural elements and walks readers through each step of patient care, from causes and symptoms to new treatments and prevention methods. It concludes by delving into a hopeful future for health services, with emerging health technologies such as virtual healthcare, nanomedicine, AI, robotics, genome sequencing, and other innovations.
Dr. David Priede PhD publication is a detailed yet straightforward guide for practitioners, patients, and caregivers to live a well-informed, healthy life.
While disease may never be eliminated, health conditions will be identified earlier through science and technology to intervene proactively, understand its progression to help humanity effectively and actively sustain well-being. The future of health will be motivated by wellness and managed by companies that accept new roles to drive value in a newly transformed health ecosystem. The challenge is to face fears about the future with courage and an open mind and prepare for the changing world with knowledge and hope.
Medical Editor
This book will inform and enlighten the daily reader and medical professional about some of the most important health concerns affecting America. When I was appointed as Medical Editor, one of the main aspects of the book I focused on was the accuracy and credibility of the information presented. I used my own personal background knowledge as a medical professional along with other publications and peer-reviewed health journals. The Future of health is headed in the direction of Preventive Medicine by stopping disease before it occurs and preventing the disease from recurring again.
Through sorting through the existing information and research, the information was integrated into a predetermined structure, such that the information would be easily comprehensible to readers. The book helps to increase conversation regarding different health conditions, such that there’s greater awareness about the signs and risk factors as well as resources for treatment and support. The prevalence, as well as negative health consequences and rates of mortality associated with these health conditions are of great concern. The future of health will also involve a destigmatization of mental health, such that individuals feel empowered to pursue the help and support they so much desire.
This book can save lives by encouraging readers to make lifestyle changes and develop better health habits. The number of deaths caused by these diseases is alarming and puts into perspective the magnitude of the health problems faced by the U.S. Ease of access to information and increased awareness of preventative measures can play a vital role in reducing the high death rates. This has driven me to incorporate more physical and social activity, no matter how small, into my daily routine so that I can maintain both my physical and mental health. With ongoing advances in science and technology, I am optimistic about the future of treatment options for better health.
Reaching out to medical professionals with first-hand experience treating and researching the conditions was the final component of research. The future of health is one that is hard to predict, especially during the pandemic's tumultuous healthcare environment. However, as more information becomes available to society, I view the future of health as one that will progressively become more holistic. Rather than focusing on one aspect of personal wellness, medical professionals now have the ability to combine different components of healthcare to create comprehensive treatment plans that can aid physical, mental, emotional, and social health.
Senior Editor
In a day and age of meeting new health challenges as time progresses, it's more important than ever to prioritize well-being and embark on lifelong learning to preserve one's welfare. Dr. Priede and colleagues have made it easy to approach such defining changes through this book. The text serves as a guide where each chapter has the clarity and nuances of a wellness preamble fit for all readers. Priede unlocks the door to opportunity with this new publication. He opts for producing a change in rising death tolls by providing people what they need to make the right decisions, set personal goals, and begin a journey to mental and physical prosperity.

'The book covers the most frequent causes of sickness in America, not uncommon in the rest of the most advanced societies in the world, recognizing that the loss of body – mind – spirit axis is the root cause for the manifestation and progression of all human misfortunes and maladies. It’s an open window to start a smart conversation about options for new health challenges. David is opening Pandora's box for further discussion and contributions. I vote for this book as a relentless effort to bring this stimulating discussion to a starting point.'
Marcos Levy, MD
'The world is changing fast and probably the next ten years are going to be more transformative than ever before. The future is uncertain, but approaching it with rationality and strategically, as David Priede and his team do, is clearly the way. The book shows expertise in applying multiple lenses to health´s challenges, presenting innovative solutions that may change our lives. Everyone interested in the future of health will benefit from Priede´s vision and the way forward.'
Dr. Tiziana P. Bergamini, PhD
'The Conditions Afflicting the Mind, Body, and Soul of America is an eye-opening look at the challenges of the American people and its root causes. In thorough detail, the book outlines the major mental, behavioral and health-related issues with studies and scientific data explaining the impact of the challenges now and in the future. The book digs deep into why these issues exist and what can be done. I highly recommend this book for bringing awareness to the future of the American people and how to solve it.'
Robert Nolan, BSCJ
'A comprehensive yet simple summary of main health conditions with its treatments. Great visuals with trends, current statistics, and resources.'
Cristina Grand, PsyD
'The prevalence, as well as negative health consequences and rates of mortality associated with these health conditions, are of great concern. Increased awareness about the complexities of the U.S health conundrum can garner increased motivation towards maximizing treatment and support options for those suffering and their loved ones, amongst the medical and scientific community, healthcare industry, and the public discourse at large.'
Danny Sullivan, MBA
'This book encourages readers to change lifestyles and develop better health habits. The number of deaths caused by these diseases is alarming and shows the magnitude of the health problems facing the U.S. The severity of health conditions affecting so many Americans will get worse. With high medical costs and inadequate access to health care, I am concerned about our health. The Future of Health chapter provides hope as many new technologies and advancements will bring worldwide balance and provide much help to many. It has motivated me to incorporate more physical activity, better sleep, nutrition, and mental hygiene into my daily routine so that I can maintain and improve my health as well as my patients.'
David A. Wein, MD